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Healthy communities are the foundation of sustainable prosperity

Planning, designing and implementing systems and infrastructure to improve health outcomes

Many Pacific countries face significant health challenges, from increased incidence of communicable and non-communicable disease, reduced access to health systems and infrastructure, and impacts from climate and natural disasters.

JID’s health experts have global knowledge and regional expertise, with a practical understanding of the challenges across the sector for governments, communities and development partners.

Partnerships are a key element of our health sector approach. When we design health solutions, we listen to the needs and expert perspectives of health workers and clinicians, as well as often marginalised user groups. We work in close collaboration with government health agencies to design and plan fit-for-purpose solutions that improve service delivery and outcomes in the long term.

Our approach to capacity building embeds opportunities for professional development, enhanced by specialist training from experts, to meaningfully enhance the capacity of local healthcare staff to deliver ongoing services, and reduce the reliance on ‘fly-in, fly-out’ models of health assistance.

Climate change and disaster resilience are essential considerations for health projects. From hospital design and construction, clinical service planning, and rapid procurement and mobilisation post-disaster, our health teams are working with disaster response and resilience experts to mitigate and plan for expected, and unexpected, impacts of climate challenges and natural disasters.

Our expertise in the health sector includes